Environmental, Health, & Safety
Baer Engineering and Environmental Consulting, Inc., located in Austin, Texas, offers a unique complement of experienced professionals who are capable and ready to manage the environmental requirements of businesses, industries, and governmental entities. Whether your organization requires planning, evaluation, compliance, forensic legal testimony, or remediation, we are prepared to help define the problems and provide the solutions.
Services Provided
- Air Permitting
- Carbon Footprint Analysis/Monitoring
- Constraints Mapping
- Cultural Resources Management: Archeology and History
- Endangered Species Assessments
- Environmental Compliance
- Environmental Permitting and Permitting Strategies-Local, State and Federal
- Geological Assessments/Groundwater Studies
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Industrial Discharge Monitoring
- Karst Assessments
- Landfill Assessments and Monitoring
- NEPA Documentation
- Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments
- Pollution Prevention Planning
- Safety & Health Plans and Programs
- Site Development Permitting
- Texas Risk Reduction Program Services
- Tree Surveys
- USACE Section 404 Permitting
- Wetlands Assessments
Project Profiles
Lady Bird Lake Boardwalk Trail
- State/Federal Regulatory Agency Coordination
- National Environmental Policy Act Documentation
- Clean Water Act Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Planning
- Design Assistance to Reduce Environmental Impacts
- Cumulative Compensatory Mitigation Planning
- Public Relations Assistance for Environmental Issues
Baer Engineering led the field reconnaissance effort for the project. This included a tree survey, a critical environmental features survey, a comprehensive vegetation study, a threatened and endangered species habitat survey, a USACE preliminary jurisdictional determination, and wetlands delineations. Baer prepared the Pre-construction Notification (PCN) to the USACE for project coverage under Nationwide Permit 25 (Structural Discharges) and 42 (Recreational Facilities). Baer Engineering used data from fieldwork to generate reports, complete regulatory forms/ permit applications, provide design assistance, and design wetlands mitigation plans.
Mitigation efforts included water quality improvements, wetlands creation and enrichment, wildlife habitat enhancements, and encouragement for rare plant proliferation. Baer Engineering provided environmental support services, and wetland mitigation monitoring and reporting, throughout the construction process.
Baer Engineering is still providing monitoring of the compensatory mitigation plan as well as the annual reporting required by USACE.
Air Force - Fence to Fence Environmental Consulting
Baer Engineering (in a joint venture) is the prime consultant for a Fence to Fence (F2F) contract which provides the support and services needed to execute the Air Force Environmental program at two bases.
Baer Engineering is responsible for overseeing the quality and timely completion of services and deliverables. We have been commended on being responsive, flexible, and successful in meeting client expectations. In addition to the overall contract management, we are assigned the following major tasks:
- Quarterly and annual monitoring of wastewater effluent at two wastewater treatment (WWTP) plants;
- Quarterly groundwater monitoring and reporting at the golf course, to measure the impact (if any) of using treated water on the vegetation;
- Semi-annual sampling of 17 monitoring wells at a training and bombing range, to measure the impact of waste materials and other contaminants;
- Supervised the stormwater compliance at nineteen base facilities and seven storm water outfalls.
- Prepared a comprehensive update of the Natural Infrastructure Assessment (2015); and
- Prepared compliance documentation for one of the base's hazardous materials Risk Management Plan.