Industrial Hygiene
Baer Engineering and Environmental Consulting, Inc., located in Austin, Texas, brings a critical health-orientated background to evaluating and solving environmental and occupational health problems in both industrial and non-industrial situations. Baer Engineering's Industrial Hygiene Services are wide-ranging. Baer's Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH) are supported by a staff of professional engineers and scientists with the knowledge and experience to provide expert evaluation of industrial and non-industrial situations, including indoor air quality (IAQ) concerns.
Services Provided
- Asbestos Inspection, Abatement Design, & Monitoring
- Bioaerosol Evaluations
- Hazardous Noise Evaluations
- Indoor Air Quality Surveys
- Lead Inspection, Abatement Design, & Monitoring
- Lead Risk Assessments
- Mold Inspection, Abatement Design, & Monitoring
- Radon Assessments
- Noise Surveys
Project Profiles
Austin Community College, Highland Mall Renovations
Baer Engineering provided an all-inclusive asbestos assessment of Highland Mall for ACC’s consideration in purchasing the property and existing facilities. After purchase, Baer Engineering provided comprehensive asbestos consulting services, including asbestos surveying, abatement design, project management, and on-site air monitoring services. Baer also conducted a visual mold assessment of the mall.
Baer identified asbestos containing materials (ACM) that required removal prior to proposed renovations and partial demolitions. Baer’s project professionals identified, sampled, quantified, and assessed the condition of ACM in the proposed work areas. Based on these results, Baer’s asbestos consultants and Certified Industrial Hygienist designed abatement projects to be implemented by a Department of State Health Services-licensed abatement contractor. After contract award, the contractor’s abatement work was monitored by Baer’s Project Managers/Air Monitoring Technicians.
The first phase of ACC’s Highland Mall project is complete. The facility opened in fall 2014. To support further redevelopment at the former Highland Mall and to prepare for Phase II of the Highland Campus project, Baer Engineering has continued to provide intermittent support services.
Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant, Asbestos Survey
The Site comprises 58 buildings on a 15,540 parcel of property. The combined square footage of the buildings was 697,811 square feet. The plant was being closed and demolition of the buildings was being considered. Asbestos was suspected to be present in some, if not all, of the buildings. An asbestos survey of each building was needed to determine the presence of asbestos.
Baer Engineering performed the asbestos surveys and provided inspection reports to document the inspection findings.
Texas A&M - Kyle Field, Particulate Monitoring
The Site is an 88 year old structure that serves as the stadium for the University’s football program. The stadium was undergoing a $450 million dollar renovation. Due to the University’s concern for the well-being of its students and the construction workers, Baer Engineering was asked to monitor the amount of particulate matter in the air generated by the demolition and construction activities.
Baer Engineering performed the particulate monitoring using TSI DustTrak™ Aerosol Monitors in conjunction with a global system for mobile communications network which enabled Baer Engineering to monitor the aerosol monitor readings in real time via the internet. This solution provided a more affordable solution versus the conventional method of manned data collection. Baer Engineering provided weekly summary reports of the monitoring activities, as well as notification of significant events within a few hours.
USACE - Roosevelt Hotel, Asbestos & Lead Surveys
The hotel was vacant and boarded up. It comprised three floors and approximately 44,000 square feet. The proposed reuse/redevelopment includes securing the building from further damage and stabilizing it for future development. Funding for this assessment was provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 Targeted Brownfields Assessment Program on behalf of the Roosevelt Hotel Holding Company, LLC.
Baer Engineering conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) to identify and record existing, potential, or suspect conditions that may impose an environmental liability to, or restrict the use of, the subject property. On and off-site recognized environmental concerns were revealed at the site. Baer Engineering recommended a Phase II ESA be conducted to evaluate the presence/absence of chemicals of concern in soil and/or groundwater from the former on-site dry cleaning operations and off-site gasoline filing stations and dry cleaning business.
Baer Engineering then conducted asbestos and lead surveys. The information obtained by the surveys, material sampling, and laboratory analysis was used to develop abatement plans.